Friday 12 March 2010

When things fall apart
When you make friends with yourself then life becomes a whole lot easier. It was always about letting go of everything.
Letting there be room for not knowing is the most powerful of all.
Thinking we can find some lasting pleasure and avoid pain is what Buddhism calls samsara, a hopeless cycle that causes us to suffer greatly.
Sticking with uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in time of chaos, learning not to panic, this is the spiritual path.
Acknowledge everything that arises without judgement, letting the thoughts simply dissolve and the go back to the openness of the new moment.
Meditation is the tool that's enables us to relax and open to what ever the preset has given.
maitri - developing loving kindness with ourselves and an unconditional friendship with ourselves.
We are giving up control all together and letting concepts and ideas apart.
This starts with realizing nothing is the beginning or the end.
The painful thing is when we buy into disapproval, we are practicing disapproval.When we buy into harshness we are practicing harshness. The more we do it the stronger the qualities become. How sad it is when we become expert at harming ourselves and others. The trick then is to practice gentleness and letting go. We can learn to meet whatever arises with curiosity and not make such a big deal out of things.
People spend their whole lives running away from the monster that is there own mind.
Too busy to live .

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