Friday 12 March 2010

The next step is refraining. Mindfulness is the ground , refraining is the path. It the quality of not grabbing for entertainment or food the minute we feel bored or emotional. Its the habit of not wanting to fill a gap just because there is a space.
Refraining is the method of letting to know the nature of this restlessness and fear. Its the habit of settling into groundlessness. It all comes down to pause for a moment, learning to not just impulsively to the same thing again and again.
It then becomes a way of life to stay awake, slow down and notice.
If we are willing to give up the hope that insecurity can be exterminated, then we have the courage to relax with the groundlessness of each situation.
when you are totally feed up "ye chang che" then this is the beginning of the beginning.
To seek for lasting security is futile.

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