Tuesday 12 January 2010

The kids and Keith and I built a snow man and of course it had to be different from the others it had to be a sculpture and .....I knew that there was a very good chance that it would not stay very long that some teenagers would come past and bash it down and this morning as the kids stepped out the door I saw two 8 year olds walk over to it they where not interested in its glasses, they had one intention and that was break it ! The energy that was around them was awful and I can see the teenagers they will become and then men, the thing that really got to me was both their mothers where standing close by and they did nothing to stop them like it was a natural course of events !

I am feel really tired of being so close to so much dis functional/antisocial people, Id much rather be way out in the country than deal with the crap I have to see on a daily basis.

So my spring clean will be on the basis of moving ! The gypsies will not be here come next autumn.

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