Saturday 12 September 2009

OK so the think I wanted to talk about today is um...........aggression.
This last week we ended a relaytionship with what we though where a very nice couple, turns out once again that it was me believing in the best possible senario, I mean of course people are NICE, right ......wrong !
Then this morning I was watching the dogs playing and they where mock fighting and i wondered if this gets rid of a tension that comes from being together all the time ? Which made me think of a few weeks ago when we where having coffee with friends as we where doing my fav. thing just sitting around the table 6 adults and two children , talking and a couple that we love dearly started mock fighting, teasing each other and we where laughing but i was also thinking that this is a lesson in a way , a way of teaching us and the children that not everything has to be soooooo serious.
I then thought about my fav book, Healthy at 100 and he explains how tribal people take the micky out of each other and actually laugh at each other alot....which made me think (yes my brain is always in over drive ) about the trickster in the native american tribes who job it is to make people laugh and what about cayote int he spiritual realm who teaches us lessons by humbling us and makeing us either get really mad or laugh at ourselves.
So I amble out this morning into the garden and a neighbour , who is a really sweet man, comes to tell us we are moving as mywife has just had a nervous breakdown as they share a property with other people that have been fighting with them for the last 14 years, I dont know who is in the right or the wrong but i do know that 14 years to be fighting about something is a heck of a long time.And nobody deserves to be victimized like that .
The day i decided to tell these people, (the couple we fought with ) to leave us alone, I did a spell, to break ties with them so that my heart is free and the block the ugly words and vibrations they are senting in our direction.
I just wish people knew how they are actually playing with BLACK MAGIC and that the bitterness in their hearts sends out a vibration that can really make another ill, and although I know that people get away with lying and saying horrible things and fighting and stealing, I also believe in an afterlife where we will be held accountable for our actions .
My goal is to sit back , talk more with the ones I love, and just chill, nothing is worth getting all worked up about, shouting and screaming and holding grudges , the only person that effects is you but unfortunatly it is a sign of the times, people are sooooo out of balance, they are mad and they have no idea with whom, so they just yell and fight every chance they get, and fight with everybody and anybody.
Look at peoples faces and their eyes and skin, it will tell you so much, look at the way they carry themselves and their aura and trust trust trust yourself.
I looked at this lady we fought with about a year ago and though you know, I really think that you are quite day i will start to realise these things straight away, if someone looks wrong to you , chances are , they are !
And this afternoon as I look at my buddha, as always i am reminded to concentrate on yourself, keeping you in balance and I love the buddha for that reason, just one glance in his direction and i am reminded of all the teaching.............imagine if the whole earth , thought first about correcting themselves and always walking in love.........................well its worth the dream :)

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