Wednesday 26 August 2009

For those of you that read my blog and where friends with me on FB. I wanted to tell you that I have closed my FB account, its something that I have been wanting to do for a while, I actually spoke to my mother about doing it about 8 weeks ago as there are a couple of things you slowly start to realise. FB is a place where you net work with others and see what they have to say and what they are doing and what they have done and maybe even photos, so where family and close friends are concerned its a great way of staying in touch but for new friends, its actually just people being nosey and it comes from a place of well they actually have nothin better to do so they are on FB.
Then you start with the politics and trying to communicate with no senses, if the response goes from " Hello darling ! " to the next time "good morning " you find yourself going mad....does it mean a shift in mood ? and before long you are totally caught up in a relationship in which you have no eyes or ears . And you end up creating pictures in your head as to what you would like to believe, like conjuring up the character in a new book.But the reality id often very different.
BUT what many teenagers and unfortunately myself and many of the women that I have spoken to in the last week ! Is the people turn out to be, not telling the whole truth , only what they want you to hear and this is where one needs wisdom.
In life its always a good idea to watch a person in all given situations before you give your heart and your love and one of the best is to see a person drunk and the other in a fight. If a persons world goes up in flames at the smallest provocation, if you make a mistake or incorrectly word your self and you find your head getting chewed off, ITS REALLY BEST TO GET OUT AS SOON AS YOU CAN.
My grandmother always taught me that love that was pure was long suffering and it was unconditional.
In todays world w all need friends that we know will have our backs all the time that will stand up for us and believe in us under all circumstances even when they believe that you are in the wrong.
Also when out of anger someone starts calling you names and telling you how they have never truly believed in you. Please know its time to move on and realise actually they where never that into you.
People say " oh of course you can be honest with me " as that simply means they are about to get a juicy bit of information but once your true feelings are out, know for sure that anger will follow , as the truth hurts.
Then if they take past bits of information and throw it in your face, know that its time to move on.
Or they could just ignore you, cut off all communication from you and pretend nothing is wrong, talk about the weather on FB , this is the path of the coward and if someone can walk away from a friendship from one twisted conversation filled with misunderstands, THEY WHERE NEVER YOUR FRIEND.
Have you ever been wondering, going back and forth , back and forth in your mind about wither to buy something that is really expensive and at the last moment you decided actually I can live without this and you walk out the shop a little wiser and with a pocket full of money wheeeewww.
My friend from school and I also had words on FB ( I was wondering if I am argumentative but actually it turns out this is the norm on FB it is designed to cause strife ) an I told her what she did that made me uncomfortable and she returned the note with a note in which she moaned at me and then ended by saying OK I have heard what you said and you have heard me so lets just drop the whole thing and move on.........I suddenly have a new sence of respect for her and as she has just arrived in the UK , I hope we will be spending alot of time together as I know she is a true and honest person and a pleasure to be with because life is not always simple and sraight forward and you need someone that can ride the waves and you need to look into one anothers eyes as you communicate.
And just for the record as God and the Godesses is my witness, I am a very loving caring person and I would never say something to cause another pain, I know that and so do the people that love me.

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