Wednesday 23 June 2010

Gen this is for you :)
The year has 12 months divided in half that's 6 months.
Pagans have 8 holidays , points of the years where they celebrate the movement of the sun.
If you look at the above picture where you see the pumpkin that's Halloween (you knew that) we call it Samhaine and its the Pagan New year. Then you have Yule 4 days before Christmas that was celebrated long before Jesus. As on the 21st Dec the sun stands still for three days and then moves 1 degree closer than it was on the 20th dec and we celebrate the return of the sun on Christmas day. This is the Winter Solstice and its the darkest part of the year, light at 9am and dark at 4pm so we celebrate by putting lights around a ever green tree that is symbolic of the tree of life.
soooo 6 months later you have the summer solstice which we just had and this weekend at Stonehenge there is to be a huuugggee celebration, the sun is the closest to he the earth and its the lightest time of the year, light at 5am and dark at 10pm .
The rest of the holidays I can tell you about when you are here.
Luna is the moon.
The moon like the sun has a cycle, 28 days, so that's called a lunar cycle.
Our periods are controlled by the moon as well as the tides of the sea and as we are 70% water the moon also controls our moods ( I am sure you have heard of a Lunatic ) Babies are also normally made and born when its full moon. and when they say you are pregnant for 9months its actually 40 weeks as its according to the moon cycle.
when you start understanding these things, myths and religions all start making more sense.

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