Thursday 30 July 2009

The Swine Flu Hoax
Share: by literaryguru April 28, 2009 at 03:00 pm
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swine flu hoax
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When the avian flu scare arrived, no one questioned it. This time, things are different. Those with some brains, a memory and internet ingenuity are on the case. Let’s hope this message gets out.
Tamiflu is an antiviral medication used to treat influenza. It will be the prime medication sold to protect citizens from swine flu as it was for avian flu. All healthcare workers, military and essential service workers will need a dose available and it will be bought with your tax dollars.Tamiflu is made and patented by Gilead Sciences and Donald Rumsfeld was the chairman of this company before he joined the Bush administration. When the Avian Flu scare flashed across the television sets of Americans, Gilead Sciences stock went through the roof. Rumsfeld refused to sell his stock when he joined the Bush administration and the increase in stock value made him the richest man in that administration. Moreover, Gilead Sciences successfully lobbied a billion dollar contract with the U.S. military during the avian flu scare, giving each soldier access to the drug. Now, with the swine flu scare, the same players are about to make an even bigger fortune. Who are these people? They are all hardcore neoconservatives with a long history of paying for neocon agendas and campaigns and they have far-reaching capabilities to manufacture a media-constructed, influenza hoax. The actual flu may be real, but the panic surrounding it is the product of those who waited for another opportunity to knock, or sneeze.
The largest shareholder of Gilead Sciences is the FMR Corporation. This company is owned by Grover Glenn Norquist, a well-connected Republican activist with close ties to business and the media. Norquist was the Executive Director of the College Republican National Committee in the 1980's and he oversaw the transformation of the committee into a conservative grassroots powerhouse for the Reagan administration. His credentials and resume include being a:
- Lobbyist for Microsoft- Member, board of directors, National Rifle Association- Member, board of directors, American Conservative Union- Member, Council on Foreign Relations (2001)- Consultant for Janus-Merritt Strategies, a lobbying firm
As we sit on the eve of a new influenza scare, the question is: will anybody pay attention to the fact that the last influenza scare didn’t become a pandemic, but it sure made neoconservatives rich. Rumsfeld, Norquist and Goldman Sachs (another major shareholder) do not have the general public's best interest at heart. They will manipulate every connection they have in government, media and the health-care industry to make this a financial windfall. I'm not insinuating they created the swine flu itself -they are just capitalizing on a virus that just isn't that much of a threat.
The regular run-of-the-mill strains of influenza kill more than 35 000 Americans every year and hospitalize another 200 000. Eighty people dying of disease in one of the dirtiest cities on earth is tragic, but it should not be used as an excuse to fill the coffers of a conservative faction that has already ripped off America of every penny it could during its time in office. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bush even stole the cutlery out of the White House before he left. The only hands that need washing are America's; washed of the filthy agenda of neoconservatives willing to exploit anything to make a buck.
“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”

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