Monday 29 June 2009

Ok so i have though long and hard about blogging about Saturday night but is that not what blogs are for ?
so we went to the raw dinner and where super excited, it was great to be there and see everyone until........
someone might have warned me about the alcohol, I saw it on the menu but figure it was there to be PC, I still can't quite believe it but certain key people looked smashed by the end of the night and I know I am silly but I feel so disappointed.
Philips talk was amazing and a couple of times I felt myself go all misty has he spoke about what it felt like to be very over weight.
It was pretty much like any high school party with girls with boobs hanging out of their dresses, all trying desperately to attract attention, others jirating on the dance floor like, ewhhh, I mean really.
The shaman , well ...lets just say there seem to be many people that on computers and in their books sell themselves as something which they are not.
On Saturday I listened to David Woolf saying go for it give kids raw dairy and then later Gabriel Cousens said NEVER, and i sat there like an idiot going who do i listen to and for me it all comes down to one simple thing , evidence. So I have thrown out every raw book, cook book, health book , diet book and believe me it was a biiig pile and only kept Gabriel Cousens books and Angela Stokes and when Philip writes his book I will be one of the first to support him . And I feel so empowered.
BUT my woooes get even worse as as soon as we got home , I just sat in meditation trying to digest the whole disappointment and could not sleep till 3 and awoke at about 6 with a upset tummy , spent the morning in the bathroom and then asked Michelle to do some reiki on me and ask the angels to help me digest all of it and at that point I started throwing up, really badly, but once every last drop of the raw meal was out, I started to feel better, so i have fasted for the last two days and am feeling much better, just a little shocked and all the while I was throwing up I could here coyote in the back ground laughing........
Ha ha ha that's what happens when you put people on a pedestal.


Buzzy said...

I'm saddened that you ended up being disappointed; especially more with people whom you respected, and who's teachings were important to you.

However, you are a very informed person, and you can and will make the right choices with regard to eating. I know that.

Live, Love and Laugh Pippa...the world is your oyster and your talent to see the truth about people will take you to the pearl.

With Love, Buzzy

Harmonious Living said...

Wow. good on you for speaking out, as I sometimes get confused around the rasamatas of all this, thankyou for your open and candid sharing, it was appreciated, praps I was in fact best not to have been there. thankyou x

Harmonious Living said...

Whoa. thankyou for your open sharing, cor, pleased now maybe I wasnt there! bless you for this.