Monday 8 June 2009

I was just chatting to a friend and I suddenly realised something........I love me !
I love the plans I have for the future
I love my life
I love the rate at which I manifest the things I want
I love that I am not caught up in the masses
I love that I am spiritual
I love that I am a Buddhist
I love that I am vegan
I love that I talk to animals
I love my morals and how clearly I see life
I love that when others ask what are you reading I just say, I don't get time as I know that an answer like " I am reading how vibrations effect your molecular structure " will just throw them
I love that I have the teachers in my life that I do, inspirational people.
and I think that this new realization is going to have a big impact on my life ! I don't want to be anybody else. WOW can anybody out there understand how liberating that is to me ?

1 comment:

Buzzy said...

Yep, I think I understand!