Tuesday 30 June 2009

I stand here in the warm summer evening in the garden the air is filled with the smell of warm honeysuckle and although my splitapart is far away I do not feel alone, I put the music of Yusuf Roadsinger on and danced around myself. ( put it on in my video selection, the first video :) )

Feeling free and loved and happy.

Dredging through the winter is made worth while by this night.

My life is filled with highs and lows and although the lows are low the highs are HIGH.

My soul retrieval is complete and I am healed and I am so grateful.

I WILL find people with the same principles as mine, I WILL find honesty and true beauty, for its alive on the notes of the saxophone as they drift across the garden and its alive in my heart and in my visualization, therefore it will be.

The music is the past , my heart the present and my visualization the future, so I will manifest a group of people around me that have pure heart, who practice what they preach and are in balance, who believe in children and families and marriage.

In this world of darkness
evil rules by night
but somewhere in the shadows
someone seeks the light

to be what you must Angela just reach out for what you are
Where do you go when hearts are closed
when a friend becomes a stranger and nobody wants to know
when the world turns dark
and the light of truth is blown out
and the roads are blocked
where do you go with only a song to warm your night
Where do you go when lies are told and the light of truth is blown out and everyone is lost looking for theirs

I will never let my dreams die

so I sat in the garden till a gentle breeze began
and the bird song started
and the flowers closed
and the honeysuckle smell changed to hay and sheep
the music died
and from within the house a sweet voice called
mommmmmmmy where are yooooouuuuu :)

1 comment:

Buzzy said...

Ah, Pippa...I did not realize on FB that there was more to your prose and am so glad that I came here tonight for a minute, and read the rest...It is wonderful, and heartfelt...I love it, as I do you...buzzy