Monday 18 May 2009

As an individual, I choose to be a vegan with occasional eggs in my baking. Why ? I feel lead to live this way and after many books and much research , I believe this to be the right way for humans to eat and a way that would cut world hunger out completely.
I feel strongly that as humans we are still evolving and so what was right for us a thousand years ago no longer applies, in many ways, food, spirituality, the pace of life, the way we think and the challenges that we now face.I also feel though that we are on earth to experience being human not to live as being a super hero with your head in the clouds all the time. I am a Essene/Nazarene and so believe in ministering to those less fortunate and not judging them ( well ...I try)
I do not want to live over 100 , I do not even want to Love longer than 85 But I do not want to have heart failure or cancer and I hate being over weight. I do not want to look a certain way as I age and have nothing to prove to other people. I'm my research I have looked at going raw and juice feasting alot and what I have found that for someone who was connected to Gods and all things spiritual as a meat eater as a raw foodist I go shooting into space and start spinning. But on a more practical note....90% of the raw foodies I have seen are single, I think there are very few that are large families. I find it really expensive and it annoys me that the people providing the literature are the ones supplying the products.
I love David Woolf's books except the last one about super foods, which was when it really starting dawning on me.
I also joined his e-mail list and keep getting letters each day about his products and never any of the "Free " videos and Keith who is well advised in marketing strategies laughs when he sees them as he says the techniques use like only 48 hours left , are the oldest tricks in the book.
Also in Native American circles their is a big problem with teachers having sex with their pupils, I am picking up that this is freely accepted in the raw world and that his being with a new women at each seminar is never addressed.
Its astonishingly cheap to be vegan and when you start growing your own food its gets better.
Shazzie, keeps calling her self the happiest most blissed out person on the planet and yet if you read between the lines, I think she is very sad and disappointed with her life and Evie sounds like a little girl that has been let down, no Daddy, no siblings, made to eat separately from the other kids. I feel very sorry for them and then there is the porn outfit that she wears all the time ,with her porn Durian video and the cucumbers that she "handles" and yet she is screaming on the top of her voice that they are a perfect "natural family.?
I am looking forward to meeting her next month and we have gifts yay ! to take for her and Evie, I am just telling you what i feel and see in trying to find the TRUTH.
So Angela and Matt, Angela is really something to see, she radiates beauty and is such and inspiration BUT I think she still has an eating disorder, everyone that has spoken about the extended juice feast has said it takes them months to get back onto food again and she is still predominately liquid, I am not sure but if feels , strange to me and I personalty do not want to live like that. At what point do people stop seeing the vibrant and just start seeing someone who has an eating disorder, lets talk again when she is 45.
And i am wondering if we are going to see baby Monarchs and how that will be dealt with ?
as for Matt and Philip, they look ill to me, they have strange discolouration under their eyes and have a weedy, whispy look, It might be because I am used to South African men. It this is about health my inner monkey says these are not men that you want at the head of a tribe, fathering offspring.
which leads me back to where my thought where when i started righting this .....Healthy at 100 is probably the best book ever written !
OK as women i feel Sunday , the sabbath should be spent OUT of the kitchen, Sunday meals are so over and I think the week of your moontime and a week or maybe more when you are at the menopausal stage should be cooking free BUT we no longer live in a natural setting where we can take turns and help each other so what the next best thing ?
The freezer.
Once a month cooking is a very popular topic. There are entire web sites devoted to recipes, hints, and rules (and my first cookbook, Everything Meals for a Month now available). If you have an reliable, large freezer and want to devote one weekend a month to a marathon cooking session, OAMC is an excellent way to save time.
There are a few ways to tackle OAMC. You can cook double batches of your favorite recipes and freeze them in smaller containers; you can cook 20 individual recipes and freeze them; or you can buy a large quantity of meats and ingredients, cook a large batch of starter foods (meats, spaghetti sauce or chili) and then make lots of different casseroles and entrees from the starter.
You have to be very organized to cook such a large amount of food at one time, keep it safe and package and label well. These plans are called 'meal plans'. I like to triple five to ten recipes at a time; that way, we eat the same meal three times a month, which is very acceptable.
Plan There is an excellent program at Cook Once a Month that I would recommend to learn how to cook this way. Simply choose the recipes you would like to make and the program makes a shopping list for you, offers menus and cooking processes! You need the cookbooks they recommend to make the recipes. But if you are planning to make this cooking method a part of your life, this program and the books are a great tool. Also, in my book, there is an entire chapter listing recipes, a shopping list, and a detailed plan for shopping and cooking that you can use as a learning plan, then expand to include your own favorite recipes.
Get Organized! You have to write down all your plans in advance. Find the recipes, plan amounts, then make your grocery list. The best sites around the internet have grocery lists included - check them out! Make sure you have enough heavy duty freezer bags (I always use zip lock bags) or freezer containers to hold all your finished casseroles. Make sure you keep a notebook or tablet by your freezer to keep track of all the dishes you have prepared. This way you can make sure you have eaten all your chicken recipes before embarking on another cooking session. These lists also help you plan your month for the most varied and healthy diet.
ShoppingNever cook on the same day that you shop. Shopping for this quantity of food is very difficult, and you'll be exhausted if you try to cook too. Remember, we want this to be a fun experience and one you'll repeat!
Divide ChoresSome plans recommend shopping on one day (Friday evening), doing major prep work on Saturday, then finishing and freezing all the meals on Sunday. This is a great idea because you won't get too overwhelmed with a lot of work. OAMC is kind of like exercise; don't do so much at the beginning that you never want do it again!
PartnerYou may want to cook with a friend or relative to add to the fun and cut down on the work. Even if you only get 15 meals out of the deal, that's two weeks with no cooking at all!
Scale DownIf you're just starting out in OAMC, consider trying just a week's worth of make ahead cooking and freezing. Make only one quarter the amount of a month's cooking plan and see how you like it.
Have Fun!Throw some tunes on the stereo, have a nice lunch ready to eat, take frequent breaks, and above all have a good time! I think having a partner is the best way to tackle this chore, because the time will fly when you're having fun with a pal.
Robbyn's Hamburger PlanThese recipes are excellent and Robbyn's instructions are clear and straightforward. Recipes include Noodle Stroganoff, Shepherd's Pie and Taco Seasoning Mix.
Using ChickenFollow this plan and you'll not only have excellent casseroles your family will love, but bonus chicken broth and tender cooked chicken.
Vegetarian PlanVegetarians in your household? They won't be left out if you follow this superb plan for cooking vegetarian once a month.
The Ham PlanIf you have ever been faced with a large ham after the holidays, you'll appreciate these recipes!
OAMC Starter RecipesThis list of recipes is a good starting point for starting your OAMC adventure. The site also has lots of tips and advice about cooking this way.
Suggested Reading
Everything Meals for a MonthFreezing TipsTo Chill or Not to Chill?
w('New posts to the Busy Cooks forums:Flying Crustfinding heavy based cookwaretiming')
The funny thing is this actual bring the cost down further as it stops the temptation to eat out !
And its great if you have a new baby
going through some kind of crisis or busy period
a loved one has died
you get ill.
And it brings a sense of peace to know you are prepared.
We are not of this world but we are in it.

1 comment:

Buzzy said...

Hello Pippa - I enjoyed reading this post - I learned a bit more about some of the things that you chat about - and you know - there is nothing wrong with going VEGAN - I have to agree that more and more people are realizing that this is a good way to live and in time you'll find that more will adopt this way of living - keep on writing! Good Stuff!